This is probably my favorite grain free treat that I make. My son would agree! It is similar to my banana muffins but has that little extra oomph on top that makes it more like a coffee cake. I use Kerrygold grass-fed butter as the topping. Grass-fed butter has a whole host of nutritional benefits that I wanted to share with you. Given the choice I would pick grass-fed butter,.. Read More
Grain-Free Pumpkin Spice Muffins
I really, really love muffins. I really really love these Grain-Free pumpkin spice muffins. I should have just named this blog Michelle’s muffins, but I figured I might get the wrong kind of followers But seriously if you have a bag of grain-free slightly sweet healthy muffins lying over on the counter where the bite size brownies or chocolate chip cookies might be or god forbid something with frosting (my.. Read More