I had to include the word decadent in the description because it’s how I felt when I was eating this. Holy wow! This burger is moist and flavorful. Please don’t get fat-free turkey, a little dark meat is not going to hurt you! I promise. These toppings worked in harmony but feel free to mix and match them. I served on a portobello “bun” but feel free to use a.. Read More
Grain-Free Sandwich Rolls
I’m a huge fan of coconut wraps as a substitute for tortillas or bread but some people don’t like the flavor. I have not had much luck in finding a gluten free or grain free bread that I really like. Plus really? $10.99 for a loaf of bread? I’ve experimented with a few recipes and came up with this one recently and I really like it! It has a very.. Read More
Grain-Free Bacon Meatloaf
Meatloaf its such a un-appetizing sounding word kind of like fruitcake or Spam, I don’t know why it reminds me of that but whatever. It’s ridiculously easy to make its cheap and best of all everyone will like it! You know why? If they don’t like meatloaf just slice it and serve it on a bun and you have a hamburger! This one is extra special because it has bacon.. Read More
How to make Cauliflower Rice
Cauliflower rice is a really great substitute for anything you would serve with white or brown rice. If you are avoiding grains or just want to cut down on carbs a little it is a really great alternative. It has the perfect neutral, chewy texture just like rice, absorbs sauces and seasoning well and even looks like rice! Start with the grater accessory for your food processor. You can also.. Read More
Grain Free Banana Coffee-Cake Bread
This is probably my favorite grain free treat that I make. My son would agree! It is similar to my banana muffins but has that little extra oomph on top that makes it more like a coffee cake. I use Kerrygold grass-fed butter as the topping. Grass-fed butter has a whole host of nutritional benefits that I wanted to share with you. Given the choice I would pick grass-fed butter,.. Read More
Adjusting the Way We Eat After 40
I grew up eating healthy…I was taught and always tried to follow certain rules, like eat mostly whole foods, avoid conventional cows milk, take your vitamins, avoid antibiotics, stay away from sugar and white-flour, msg, foods with lots of ingredients, food colorings, soda, eat whole-grains. These things were always in the back of my head (although I didn’t always follow!) I went through phases of vegetarian (lots of tofu!) Gluten-free.. Read More
Grain-Free Pumpkin Spice Muffins
I really, really love muffins. I really really love these Grain-Free pumpkin spice muffins. I should have just named this blog Michelle’s muffins, but I figured I might get the wrong kind of followers But seriously if you have a bag of grain-free slightly sweet healthy muffins lying over on the counter where the bite size brownies or chocolate chip cookies might be or god forbid something with frosting (my.. Read More